This year we are choosing to donate to the White Ribbon Project. Book a session between 2/25/24 and 3/14/24, and $40 of each session will be donated to the project.
Why did we choose this organization. Sadly, this year we lost our Pinup Sister Cookie D Martini to lung cancer, she was a huge advocate for this cause. Cookie came into our lives just a few short years ago, but did she ever make a huge impact on all of us.

About our fun set for this year's theme. WE HAND BUILT A GIANT HAT!!!! Seriously, you can stand, sit, kneel do whatever you would like on this thing. I even used power tools and hand tools again. I might have a thing for making stuff after all. With the amazing help of my bestie and studio help, Greta Grenadine, this would not have been possible. I can use a power drill, but trust me, me and scissors and fabric do not get along.
NOW GO BOOK YOUR SPOT BEFORE MARCH 14th to guarantee images delivery on or before St. Patrick's Day.
HOW DO I BOOK? Visit out Book Now Tab on our web page and pick your pinup package you would like. Find a time and date that works for you.